Wednesday, April 20, 2011

FOOT: Naruto/Pinocchio

This is my comparison/contrast of Naruto and Pinocchio: Vampire Slayer. Each text follows a main character who faces different obstacles throughout the novel.

Text and Dialogue

With Pinocchio, there was little narration after the first few pages. It was mostly dialogue. In Naruto, there was more narration boxes throughout the text.

Balloons (words/thoughts)

Both novels contained balloons for dialogue. In Pinocchio, they are mostly round or oval shaped balloons. In Naruto, the balloons change shape from circular and jagged edged shapes.


There are a few captions in Naruto. For example, on 152, there is one that says “Naruto shed a few tears….” In Pinocchio, there are only captions in the beginning of the book. For example, when Pinocchio is having a flash back to when Geppetto died, there are caption boxes.


I couldn’t find any emanata in Pinocchio but I found a lot in Naruto. I found a lot of “!” in bubbles above various character’s heads. You can find examples of these on page 154 and 155


In Pinocchio, the only sign I found was of Geppetto’s workshop. In Naruto, there are signs when there are pictures of cityscapes.


The lettering in Pinocchio is more consistent than the lettering found in Naruto. In Naruto, the dialogue lettering is similar but the sound words and other words throughout the graphic novel vary.

Sound Effects

There are many sound effects in both books, but I feel that there are more in Naruto than in Pinocchio. In Naruto, the sound effects tend to take up a large amount of a page.

Visual Features


There are more characters in Naruto than in Pinocchio. The characters in Pinocchio are less detailed than the ones in Naruto, which are very detailed.


There are objects in both graphic novels. In Pinocchio, there seem to be more close ups of his nose, since that is one of the things that makes him special and he uses it to kill vampires. In Naruto, the main symbol that is seen throughout the novel is his headband.


I could not find any icons within either text. The only thing that I think could be close to an icon is the symbol on Naruto’s headband.


The scenery in both novels is very different. In Pinocchio, it is a lot darker than in Naruto. In Naruto, the scenery ranges from school, cityscape and forest.

Depicted action (internal/external)

Both novels show a lot of emotion on the character’s faces to show their internal actions. The external action for both novels is mostly the fight scenes.

General Layout and Design


In Naruto, the borders are very inconsistent. The page layout and borders pretty much change on every page. In Pinocchio, the borders are much more consistent because they are mostly floating boxes on every white page. There are some different pages where it is mostly black to demonstrate mood.


The gutters in Naruto change throughout the story and they change in thickness. In Pinocchio, the gutters are just like the borders and tend to me more consistent in sizing.


Naruto’s panels ranged a lot throughout the novel. Some were large, small, or full page. In Pinocchio, the panels also ranged in size but I feel that they are more orderly than Naruto.

Open Panel

In Pinocchio, the only thing that is not enclosed in the panels sometimes was text. In Naruto, there were more open panels because I feel that a lot more words left their boxes. I also feel that it made this text harder to read.


There are splashes in both novels, but I believe that there are more splashes in Naruto than in Pinocchio.

Angles and Frames


In Pinocchio, I saw a few bleeds. For example, there is a bleed when the fox and the cat are hung. I did not really see any bleeding in Naruto. It was more words that would bleed from one panel to the next.


Both texts use close ups, especially when a character is talking. There are a large variety of different shots.

Head shot

Both novels used these shots. In Pinocchio, when Cherry rescues Pinocchio from being hung, there is a head shot of Cherry saying “Bless me...”

Head-shoulder shot

I saw many head-shoulder shots in both texts. In Naruto, an example of this can be seen on page 31.

Full-figure shot

Both texts use Full-figure shots throughout the text. There are a wide variety of shots in the text.


Both novels use longshots in the text.

Extreme longshot

Both texts uses these shots. In Pinocchio, I think a good example of this is at the beginning when it says “I’m Pinocchio, I kill vampires.”


Both texts use reverse shots. For example, in Pinocchio, there is a reverse shot when Cherry is carrying Pinocchio from almost being hung.

Rhetorical techniques applied in text, visuals, and design


Both texts use exaggeration and are not very realistic. There are human characters in both books but they are not realistically drawn or may have super human powers.


Both novels evoke empathy. I think there is more empathy for Pinocchio than Naruto because Pinocchio lost his father, who became a vampire.


The mood in Pinocchio is very dark and gloomy due to the plot and how it is drawn. Naruto seems to be more upbeat and happy looking.


Both novels are relatively complex, though Naruto has many, many more details.


I could not really find any examples of irony in either text.


Both novels were not realistic at all. Pinocchio is about a wooden boy who kills vampires with his nose that grows when he lies. Naruto is about a young boy at a ninja school. Neither situation is realistic.


I feel that both novels are examples of disorder because both characters are going through tough situations.


I feel that both novels had some juxtaposition in them. Pinocchio represented good and he was fighting evil. Naruto was against the guy at the end that held the bells.

Relationships (opposition, conflict, power, identification,

mirroring, analogy, comparison)

There are a variety of relationships represented in both novels. For example, there was the father/son relationship in Pinocchio and in Naruto, Naruto wanted the girl that liked the other guy.

Point of View (insider/outsider, detached, child, etc.)

In Naruto, the reader doesn’t really get inside Naruto’s head, where as in Pinocchio, there is more of a glimpse into Pinocchio’s emotional state.

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