Monday, January 31, 2011

FOOT: Facebook Article

Having not seen The Social Network, I found the article to be rather interesting. On SNL, Zuckerberg and the actor that plays him in the movie were in the opening monologue. After reading the article, I am curious as to what Zuckerberg was doing during the time period when he was "working on code" for the other social networking website. I think after reading the article, I would like to see the movie and see if it is anything like the article.

I know that I have somewhat of a Facebook addiction, but I do know that Facebook (or as I like to refer to it: Fbook) can be used for good. I have a Facebook Fan page for my wearable art so that I can post pictures and update people as to what activities I'm doing (such as Fashion Week Cleveland). I have the ability to contact my photographer friends, especially Robert Banks since he doesn't have a cell phone, but he has a Facebook. That way we can share images on Facebook and I can show off my wearable art.

(UPDATE: 2/6/2011)
Thinking about Facebook in general, in high school, my Honors U.S. History (HUSH as we liked to call it) teacher created a Facebook group for our class that year. Sometimes it would be used to update the class on what was coming up in class or reminders for due dates. After the class was over, we used it to keep in contact with each other in the class. At least that was how I used it because I transferred high schools at the end of that year. My HUSH teacher was super connected to the internet with his class. He would post videos of himself on Youtube after he went home of the lectures he gave that day, he maintained a website where he posted the Smart Board slides every day, as well as communal blog on Blogger where everyone in the class could post current event articles or pop culture things.

1 comment:

  1. I actually hadn't thought of using Facebook as a way of telling students about housekeeping items. I think having a facebook group would be great (for example) a senior class. Students would be able to constantly check on due dates and teachers wouldn't have to worry about students losing important papers.
