Thursday, December 16, 2010

13: Creating the Confidence to Respond

This chapter contained a lot of valuable information to increase participation. I think the easiest thing to do is on page 265 where Beers talks about students knowing each others names. It makes each student feel valued in the classroom instead of just a person in a seat that no one acknowledges. On top of instilling value in the student, it also makes it easier for students to respect one another. Another point I thought was good was providing various ways for engagement. Just like the online literature circles discussion, providing different methods to participate can really benefit most students, especially if they are shy and do not like to speak out in class. I also LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the section of questions teachers can ask students. By asking the RIGHT questions, participation can be increased and more authentic learning can take place. I plan on using some of those questions in my own classroom and maybe even tape a copy to my podium (if I have one) or in the front of whatever book we're reading in case discussion seems to be lagging.

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